Note: District is now calling it Plan #3 Adjusted, not Plan #5.
ASSUMPTIONS Class size: 26 students IH capacity: 532 students, (source) SGR for new homes: 0.362 (source, table 8) Kinder as % of 1-6: 16%, (source, table 13, Century area projection)
Hillsboro School District is planning boundary adjustments to most schools within the district.
The current proposed change has major implications to Indian Hills as a school and as a community. The purpose of this blog is to share information with the local community, encourage active participation in the boundary process and to ensure that the unique neighborhood character of our school is preserved.
Indian Hills is one of six schools from the Reedville School District which unified with the Hillsboro School District in July of 1996. It retains the unique characteristic of a neighborhood school.
Indian Hills Elementary School is a neighborhood school proud of its distinction as the first in the Hillsboro School District to receive the "Exceptional" rating THREE times from the State of Oregon.
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