Monday, January 7, 2008

Transfer Process - Liberal but within the rules

The committee talked briefly about transfers and the process to ensure it is equitable. It was noted that transfers will have to arrange transport outside of the school bus system.

Transfers for elementary and middle schools will be limited by capacity of the target school. Given enough space at the target school, the plan is to be liberal in order to give kids continuity. They emphasized that it is important that the school not ask a student to change schools while, right next to him, there is an existing student that is a transfer from a year ago that doesn't move. So all transfers must be re-reviewed.

For High Schoolers it was agreed that they can be grandfathered into the school once they have started at the school by submitting a transfer request. It is much easier for HS to absorb additional kids and they have strong attachments around sports and other activities.

Of course, if a student knows they will be transferring later, they can apply for early transfer.

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