Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Shadowood Represented

One of the parents from Shadowood in the SE portion of our boundary had a statement prepared and I wanted to capture a couple key paragraphs that express such appreciation for Indian Hills and their community identity. It would be easy to just set it aside since we are now back 'in' but I think it is important to share some parts of the comment:

In 2003, my husband and I were looking to relocate. Our family was growing; we already had two boys and were in the process of adopting three more children. We needed a larger house. We lived in Beaverton at the time, but moved to the Hillsboro district in order to set down long term roots. We wanted a high quality district in which to raise our family. This year, all five of our children attend Indian Hills School. Currently, we have children in 6th, 4th, 3rd and kindergarten. We've worked with nearly every teacher in the building and have only positive experiences with the staff and principal. As you know, Indian Hills was rated "Exceptional". Of our three children who are old enough for the state benchmark testing, each have scored "Exceeds" in both math and reading. Indian Hills has been excellent for our entire family. Additionally, we have two children in IEPs and they receive their special education services at Indian Hills and two children who participate in TAG.
We are part of the Shadowood Neighborhood. In Shadowood, we share a neighborhood park (across the street from our house) and a pool. The children of Shadowood enjoy the opportunity to play with one another in these settings, as well as attend school together. The draft plan would divide our neighborhood.
[end excerpt]

I've talked a lot about Paula Jean Park but have no doubt that every parent in this school loves it and is not willing to give it up easily.

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